7 Things You Must Do to Turn Your Life Around if You are Incredibly Unlucky and Failed Multiple Times

Emeka Ali
4 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by Jay Argame on Unsplash

Are you feeling overwhelmed by failure?

Have you failed up to the point where you think you feel cursed?

You have tried several things and nothing seems to work.

And when one part of your life seems working, another part starts spinning out of control and you can’t catch a break.

Here is what you can do to turn around your bad luck.

1. First of all, Pause

Like calm down, and do nothing. Doing nothing will allow you to breathe.

You need to breathe to stay in the game.

Yes, doing nothing will not produce any tangible results. But doing nothing means you can’t fail at anything for now, which can at least break the cycle.

2. Accept your failures

Failure is real.

It is the lost income, the broken relationship, the inability to pay for your basic needs, the creditors calling your phone.

But those are not what puts you under. It is how you process the emotion of failing that matters the most.

So look at your failures in the eye, and list them out.

What exactly have you failed at?

The next thing to ask is this

‘And so what?’

So you failed to make money, and so what?

You are not the first and not the last.

At this point, you have transformed your failures from an intangible monster to a tangible one.

The failure still exists and will hurt, but you’ve taken away its power to occupy your mind.

Why is this important?

To turn your bad luck, you need mind work and hard work.

Without an occupied mind, you can’t do the mind work, and won’t have the resources to do the hard work.

3. Focus on what is working

It may seem like everything in your life is turning to shit. But that is most likely your perception.

Take your time and find out the area that is working. It can be one area.

Maybe, you are healthy.

Maybe it’s your relationships and support from friends and family.

Maybe you won the genetic lottery, you have a beautiful face, or you are tall. At this point, you need to find something, anything that is working.

What we focus on expands. At this point, you need to get some ray of sunlight of what is working into your heart. If this little part is working, then it means the other parts of your life can also work.

4. List all you want to work

You want to turn your failures into success. It is important to try again until you succeed, but you need to do this with a better plan this time.

So list what you want to work on.

You want to keep expanding the ray of sunshine, so choose an area where you have a higher chance of succeeding.

If you’ve tried to make money via entrepreneurship and failed, get a job, a low-paying one, if necessary.

Was it a failed relationship? Try friendships with reduced expectations, and build from there.

List your goals and start from the seeming easiest.

5. Document your success

It is easy to miss your success, especially if you are not yet where you want to be.

But for anything that works, document it. It can be very little, but it is important to write it down to help build momentum.

Please write your daily success stories. It helps to rewire your brain. Remember, what you focus on expands.

6. Double down on what works

Use Newton’s third law of motion to your advantage.

An object in motion remains in motion. But expand on it. If you notice what works, apply more velocity.

If you are working 4 hours a day, you can increase it by an hour, or 2.

If you want to turn your life around, it requires more work than if you were already succeeding. So increase your work, expand your reach, put in more effort.

Because of the law of diminishing returns, you will get to a point where you can’t add more.

But for now, work your ass off.

7. Focus

It is easy to get carried away once something is working and get careless again.

Focus on getting your life on track.

Don’t distract yourself.

And by all means, don’t compare yourself.

Don’t start trying to be everything. Don’t try to be someone else.

You probably get into this failure cycle because you were trying to do too much.

Bend down, turn your life around and start stacking your success.


These steps help you to turn your life around if it is beset by bad luck.

It doesn’t mean you won’t still fail, but at least you are more prepared to handle failure whenever you encounter it.

It is not failure that counts, but the ability to stand up to try again and again after failing.



Emeka Ali
Emeka Ali

Written by Emeka Ali

Entrepreneur, Speaker, Writer. Founder Growthhub

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